It has been nearly 70 years since the last major renovation to the Randolph County fairgrounds. Without question, the need to update and modernize our fairgrounds is evident. This community asset has a rich tradition and has left a legacy of leadership for our county. In rural communities, a modern fairground is the center of events of all kinds. For the benefit of future Randolph County generations, it’s time for us to carry the tradition forward.

It’s our turn.

Randolph County Fairgrounds is a predominant host in the community and continues to improve the quality of life for individuals of all ages. It has been a dependable staple throughout the years of both economic growth and decline. The events held at the fairgrounds have become an integral part of and enjoyed by all generations.

What is the need? Sadly, the fairgrounds and its buildings have been in a state of dilapidation for some time. With the last upgrades being completed in the 1980’s, many renovations and even new structures are a necessity to keep this special place as exciting and momentous as it has been in years passed. The Future Needs Committee has come together to tackle the project but can only do so with help. The Committee is asking for community participation and monetary donations to turn these plans into a reality. While it may seem like raising this amount of funding might be difficult and daunting, its individuals, campaigners, and local businesses who will make a true difference, each day, with each conversation.

How can you tell this is a pressing need? The time is now. Currently, there are leaks in roofs and ceilings, malfunctioning mechanicals and restrooms, outdated appliances, and many general needs that deserve and require attention, now. The Future Needs Committee anticipates raising the necessary funding this year in order to break ground after fair 2023. The plan is to have the renovations and new buildings erected and ready before the fair in 2024. The Committee has been in contact with general contractors and understands there may be a wait and fluctuation in material costs.

As it stands, the total project cost is estimated at 2.2 million of which 1 million has been secured with an additional 1.2 million to be raised through this capital campaign. The Committee, composed of local faces and talent you know and trust, has carefully designed a way to successfully accomplish just that.